Divorce Mediation Services

Our Divorce Mediation Services are not available at this time.

Contact Terry Gaspard, LICSW for more information at terry@movingpastdivorce.com.

Mediation is a form of resolving disputes where two (or more parties) seek a balanced agreement with the help of an impartial third party (of one or paired mediators). Divorce is frequently a painful process, so, divorce mediation introduces a less adversarial, solution-based approach to arrive at a written agreement over such emotional issues as:

  • Personal property.
  • Parental responsibilities.
  • Child visitation.
  • Custody arrangements.

Mediators are trained after taking certified courses and frequently come from outside the legal profession: social workers; mental health counselors; and psychologists to name a few. Mediation Services can be an important step for couples who are committed to moving past divorce with self-respect and confidence.

Fees will be negotiated in person with certified divorce mediators.